Definition of transformative:is causing or able to cause an important and lasting change in someone or somethingAs creative professionals, we are always overthinking and investigating how to best address a challenge, and video production is no exception.If you have read my story, you will get the idea that I fell into learning and implementing my Read More
It is easy to want more gear, more challenging to appreciate what we have.As we utilize any new technology or gear as a creative content developer, we can easily fall into the trap of wanting more gear, increasing our footprint. This mindset of thinking you need more gear, updated gear on a continued basis gives Read More
I am so excited that you have visited, and I hope you have requested the Free Mobile Filmmaking Video Project Starter Guide.LightsPhoneAction aims to further the inspiration, knowledge, interest, and confidence in utilizing mobile filmmaking as an income stream. Regardless of your background, you have the most essential tool right in your hand—your smartphone to enhance, build, and promote your brand, product, Read More